Join us on our travels by reading the daily stories we have to tell during our holiday trips. We started these travel journals because we aren’t getting any younger and the memory isn’t what it used to be

These journals are a real treat for us, especially in combination with all the photos taken. This way we can relive our travels.
At this moment these stories are only in Dutch, but I’m working on the translations.
If you don’t care about these stories, you might enjoy some of our recipes we’ve gathered over all these years. There are all sorts of recipes, maybe there’s one you like to make your own.
But if you are only interested in our photos, be our guest and enjoy. Feel free to comment on them or ask if you would like one in the original resolution.
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Please be patient when you register, we have to activate your account personally, this is done on a daily base.
We hope you enjoy your visit to our website.
For all the spammers out there, don't bother, I'll be checking every account made against the sites stating the abusers.